Share House “Wakatake House” (Kita-ku,Tokyo/near Ikebukuro )

JR Saikyo Line: Jujo station

discount discount

House Outline

Traditional Japanese style house near a shopping street

  • JR Saikyo Line:Jujo stn./JR Keihin-Tohoku Line:Higashi-Jujo stn.
  • 1 Jujo-nakahara, Kita-ku, Tokyo
  • Single:JPY50,000-
  • 8 rooms

空き部屋情報 最新の空き部屋

  No Size Rent Utilities and Internet Others Photo
Single 101 9.29 ㎡ 50,000yen 9,000yen Western style/Big closet
Discount during this season!First House Rent: maximumJPY25,000OFF! (Only those who will stay more than 6months)  

住人コメント 住人のおすすめ

なんと言っても、大きな庭があるのが魅力的。たくさんの草花があるので、季節ごとに変化する庭の表情をキッチンから眺めているだけでもかなりなごみます。十条と聞いて最初ピンと来なかったけど、住んでみるととても居心地が良く、なおかつ都心まで埼京線ですぐ!という所がすごく便利でびっくりしました (”S”/female/Japan)
I spent almost one year at Wakatake House, near Jujo. It is a very good place to live, quiet, comfy and close to the shops and the train at the same time. My flatmates were very nice and I still keep in touch with some of them, Wakatake House is a great place to chat and share your food and stories with others in the kitchen or the garden. It is a very convenient place to stay as you don’t have to worry about paying the electricity or the internet as everything is included in one bill, they even have a lovely blue bicycle that you can use to go to the park or the supermarket. A great place to be, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to spend some time in Japan. (”N”/male/Spain)
(Manager) We had a traditional Japanese-style house remodeled to a share house. It is a very good place to stay because there are many shops around the house and close to the station. And we recommend the shopping street “Jujo Ginza” near our house. There are a lot of restaurants and delicatessens and variety store. We will plan many events for residents.

Living & Dining

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The closest station JR Saikyo Line Jujo stn : 5mins(Ikebukuro:5mins/Shinjuku:10mins/Shibuya:16mins/Ebisu:19mins) JR Kehin-Tohoku Line Higashi-Jujo stn : 7mins(Ueno:14mins/Akihabara:18mins/Tokyo:22mins
Around House PHOTO
Many shops near our share house

Jujo Shopping Street

Image 1 of 9

Adress 1 Jujo-nakahara, Kita-ku, Tokyo         
We will tell you the detail when you come to check the house.
Around our house <1>Shopping street/1min <2>Supermarket/7mins <3>Public bath/1min <4>Convenience store/3mins <5>100YEN shop/2mins <6>Library/6mins /1min
School <1>Teikyo Univ.(Itabashi campus,Medical)/10mins <2>Tokyo Kasei Univ./11mins <3>Tokyo Seitoku Univ./14mins
Living TV(CATV), DVD player, Manga…
Kitchen gas range, refrigerator, microwave oven, tableware….
Shower 2 (free)
Loundry coin loundry
Toilet 3
Washstand 2
Bicycle parking OK
Internet free Wi-fi

シェアハウス部屋情報 シェアハウスのお部屋

No. Size Rent/M Costs/M Others
101 9.29㎡ JPY55,000 JPY9,000 1F/Western
102 9.29㎡ JPY55,000 JPY9,000 1F/Western
103 6.98 ㎡ JPY50,000 JPY9,000 1F/Western
201 13.16 ㎡ JPY60,000 JPY9,000円 2F/Western+Japanese
>201(2people) 13.16 ㎡ JPY71,000 JPY13,000 2F/Western+Japanese
202 13.16 ㎡ JPY60,000 JPY9,000 2F/Western+Japanese
>202(2people) 13.16 ㎡ JPY71,000 JPY13,000 2F/Western+Japanese
203 6.98 ㎡ JPY53,000 JPY9,000 2F/Western
204 8.53 ㎡ JPY50,000 JPY9,000 2F/Western
205 9.29㎡ JPY59,000 JPY9,000 2F/Western
About costs Monthly Utility, Internet administration costs, management expenses *except the coinlaundry
About a room desk, chair, air conditioner, lighting equipment, curtain, (closet) =western style= bed, mattress, futon =Japansese style= japanese mattress, futon

=The initial fee=

Deposit Single JPY20,000 Refundable when you move out *2people:JPY40,000
Comission JPY10,000 not refundable
Rent when you move in at a daily rate